Analytics preview

Lightning-fast Setup

  • One-click Install

    Simply enable when ready, no additional scripts required.

  • Custom Events

    See everything from button clicks to form submissions.

  • Actionable Insights

    Built-in logging of Post Author and Category metadata.

  • Cloudflare Proxy

    Enbale an optional script proxy for more accurate data.

Web Vitals preview

A Simple GA4 Alternative

The fullres WordPress plugin easily integrates privacy-focused analytics into your WordPress site. Fullres is designed from the ground up to be GDPR friendly while maintaining data accuracy.

WordPress plugin setup is incredibly fast. Sign up for a free fullres account, install the plugin on your site, and copy your unique site key into the settings. Once activated from the WordPress dashboard, you're ready to go.

Instant Results

As soon as you create a Fullres account and install the related code on your website, your analytics dashboard will display valuable insights. It's shockingly fast to get up and running in minutes.

GDPR Friendly

We strongly believes in visitor privacy and that's why Fullres does not include cookies, cross-site tracking, or other persistent identifiers. This means less worry for you and saying goodbye to Google Analytics.

No Cookie Banners

Clicking cookie banners or having to add them to your website is not the Internet we all hoped for. You don't need a cookie notice with Fullres because cookies are not used and visitor privacy is protected.

Custom Metadata

Want to see how many of your site's visitors are using ad blocker? Need to filter visitors by site plans? You can do that and so much more through the use of Fullres custom metadata.

Powerful Event Monitoring

Events allow you to monitor specific user interactions on your website, such as button clicks and form submissions. It's a great way to better understand how users engage with your website.

One Consolidated Platform

Fullres combines multiple essential tools so there's no more juggling SaaS subscriptions. Monitor analytics, optimize SEO, and monetize content all on one platform.